Source: via Dynamic Edge on Pinterest
Observations. As I lay beach side relaxing recently on a family trip to Hawaii, I noticed the familiar sound of the bumblebee. Some of you may be familiar with the story of the bumblebee and why I love the metaphor. If you missed it, check it out here.
Super sized HUGE! The crazy thing about these bumblebees in Hawaii, is they are black and GINORMOUS. I’m talking huge! Like beef cake bugs on crazy supplements. I don’t typically have issues with insects, but these suckers are amazing and I would rather stay afar. As I listened and observed these bumblebees, I realized that these Hawaiian bumblebees, in particular, should have no business flying. I mean, if you think of pure physics, it doesn’t seem at all possible that they get off the ground. The are HUGE lug butts. I mean, how much time do they need for take-off? {I'm pretty sure that's a legitimate description. Maybe not, but you get the picture.}
Hard work. Determination. Dedication. Through this observation, it just solidified my belief that even though it doesn’t seem possible at times for one to attain their huge goals and aspirations, or maybe even get off the ground, with lots of hard work, determination, and dedication, one can overcome their setbacks and truly fly in this adventure of life!!! I want to be like that bumblebee, and why shouldn’t I be able to fly?
Bumblebee motivation for New Year WOD
Reflection. As I have now had a chance to reflect back, I have spent a good amount of time looking forward and examining what I want to attack in this new year. I want to train with purpose and have no regrets. I dare to believe that I can do this. This year can totally be AMAZEBALLS!
Source: via Dynamic Edge on Pinterest
Perspective. A recent conversation with a coach included some wonderful thought provoking questions to put things in perspective for me. “Are you having fun?” “Will you ever be satisfied or are you a type of person that keeps always wanting more?”
Fun factor- Yes, it’s fun. I’ve really had to learn to keep a good balance here as it should fun. Yeah, we’ll have our off days but overall, the fun factor is critical. Important to always keep the fun factor in perspective and learn to laugh at yourself, enjoy the process, and acknowledge the progress. FUN!
Satisfaction? Honestly, I don't know. I do always want more or maybe something different. Self-defeating? Maybe. Or maybe not. In crossfit, the great thing is you can always be better at something. That's probably why I found my happy place here. I enjoy attaining and reaching goals, but yes, I do always want to be striving for something new. That keeps me fresh, motivated, and inspired. I like to check things off my list. That keeps me satisfied and fulfilled.
Celebrate. It is just as important to celebrate where we are at right now. Don't forget to celebrate the journey.
Here's to making the new year AMAZEBALLS! Dare to believe you can fly. Your life is awaiting your greatness.
**A note: after looking up info. on the ginormous Hawaiian bumblebees, it’s noted that they are actually Sonoran Carpenter bees… Whatev! Minor details. They are still scary amazeballs who shouldn't be able to fly!