summer workouts

Summer Set Playlist

Offically summer says the calendar...  Around this house, that means a summer schedule and creative workouts around our more laid back schedule.  Kids are in tow at all times, and they know the gym and workouts are part of the daily routine that doesn't change come summertime!  Some new tunes always gives renewed inspiration for workouts around here.  I recently celebrated a birthday that was rather difficult for me to accept... not a big deal for most, but I really took a big gulp; reflected on life and told myself to put on my big girl undies because my seven year old told me I'm now an official adult!!! ha, ha! Diverse mix that brings back some older goodies from the basketball days with Chemical Brothers & Crystal Waters and also several tempos so you can work hills, jumps, spin, weights, or whatever your workout entails.  The Asteroids Galaxy completes it up for me... The Golden Age! Enjoy!


Happy listening!  Make sure you get your sweat on!

Journey to Summer Playlist

Summer and bikini season appear to be right around the corner, although I'm feeling like Mother Nature is bipolar this year.  We can't seem to catch a long enough weather break here in the Northwest so I've gathered some tunes for a variety of workouts since my choices of activity are weather dependent. 

There are a variety of tempos, attitudes, genres, & moods here.  It appears this playlist is self reflective right now since workouts are my therapy.  Whether you are cycling, running, lifting, circuit training, zumba-ing :), or any combination thereof, we got something great for your workout.  The last song was a mention from one of our Dynamic Edge fans and I giggle everytime I listen to it.  When that workout kicked your butt and you are walking to your car, play a little "United States of Whatever."  Hopefully it puts a smile on your face.

Here is our May playlist to keep you pushing forward toward that bikini season... if it ever arrives!

I leave you with a fabulous quote shared recently with me from another Dynamic Edge fan--

“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle…when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”

Remember, I love your feedback, requests, and stories.  Keep them coming!

Best in health-

Summer Season


New Video- Summer and swimsuit season are just around the corner. Now is the time to fine tune or gear up those workouts so you can look good this upcoming season. Here are a couple tools that are inexpensive, portable, and highly effective for those workouts. Some great inspiration for training programs are included and will hopefully motivate you to get busy... Check out the favorites tab for a great resource to plan workouts with resistance bands.

Best in Health-


© Dynamic Edge Nutrition 2018