Offically summer says the calendar... Around this house, that means a summer schedule and creative workouts around our more laid back schedule. Kids are in tow at all times, and they know the gym and workouts are part of the daily routine that doesn't change come summertime! Some new tunes always gives renewed inspiration for workouts around here. I recently celebrated a birthday that was rather difficult for me to accept... not a big deal for most, but I really took a big gulp; reflected on life and told myself to put on my big girl undies because my seven year old told me I'm now an official adult!!! ha, ha! Diverse mix that brings back some older goodies from the basketball days with Chemical Brothers & Crystal Waters and also several tempos so you can work hills, jumps, spin, weights, or whatever your workout entails. The Asteroids Galaxy completes it up for me... The Golden Age! Enjoy!
Happy listening! Make sure you get your sweat on!