flexible dieting

Nutrition Flexibility & Balance After Babies

After having my second daughter in April 2016, I knew I had to do something about my weight. After my first daughter I never quite lost all my "baby" weight before getting pregnant with our second...even though they are 2 years apart. And, to top it off, during each pregnancy I gained about 55-60 pounds even though I was consistently doing CrossFit and eating (somewhat) healthy. Yikes! 


In the past I had tried Paleo, The Zone and had looked into Whole 30, but only made it about a "whole 2" as there were just so many restrictions! I personally thrive on tight boundaries and goals but I need to be able to live my life. We have very social jobs which entails us meeting people for lunch, dinner...and of course coffee! Because of my need to go out with people I found the other "diets" too restrictive for my lifestyle...plus I have a 3 year old and sometimes Chick-Fil-A is what's for dinner! :) 

I've been on a macro nutrition plan since June 2016 and love it. This is by far the longest time I've ever followed a plan and I have seen some incredible results. My progress has been slow and steady...sometimes slower than I want, but I have stayed the course, trusted the process and have been truly amazed. In June, I weighed in at 164 pounds and now in March I weigh at 133. 

After the weight loss, the best parts for me are my increase in energy levels (I used to want to/need to take a nap almost every afternoon), my increased strength (I feel stronger and faster in the gym than I did before my first pregnancy), and I no longer stress or worry about what to eat or what to do if I had a "bad" day of eating. 

I know that I can take a day off for a celebration or a vacation and pick right back up where I left off. In the past, I would "punish" myself for having a meal or day where I know I ate poorly, but now I get right back on track, hitting my numbers the next day. I love that I can have a weekly date night with my husband and fit in some dessert if I want to and if I plan for it. I love that I can eat the same things as my daughters because I don't have to eat anything special and I am setting healthy examples for them on a balanced diet and portion control.

Photo Credit: Rx Pics

Photo Credit: Rx Pics


An encouragement: stay the course and you will see results! It took me almost 3 weeks to lose my first pound as my body adjusted to my new eating habits. Plan ahead! If you go into each day blind and just eat freely this will be more difficult. I go into each day with a plan, usually starting with my dinner, so I know what I can eat each day whether I'm working from home or at a day long workshop. 

Trust the process-if losing weight and being fit was easy most of the population would be at a healthy weight, right?! It takes time and it takes change...trust the process and be willing to make change. 


Traveling & Stadium Food: Staying Within Macronutrient Plan

Traveling & Stadium Food: Staying Within Macronutrient Plan

Traveling and vacation can be challenging to stay within your macronutrient plan, but it doesn't need to be a binge break from your plan. With a little planning and creativity, you can definitely make it work. Own your choices and don't feel guilty for those choices. Find the balance and get back on track if you stumble a bit. The key is PLANNING and make your plan work for your lifestyle! 



Balance & Perspective. This past year, these two themes were my focus. I was fully intentional in making decisions that allowed for both balance & perspective. In previous years, I felt I had fallen short in those two areas, and therefore quality of life was affected. In order to be the best me, I needed to be intentional on finding that balance & perspective.  

© Dynamic Edge Nutrition 2018