
Sometimes the Journey is Longer than Expected

Underoos make everything better!

Underoos make everything better!


Some of us are always working on our inner superhero by developing our best selves. I'm still trying to refine my status! #superherowins Shortly before I turned 30, I set the goal of being in the best shape of my life by that birthday. Growing up I had always been athletic and I was fortunate enough to be a college athlete. Those were some of my best fitness days of my life. When I made that goal, I had recently had my second baby, and we knew we were done having kiddos. I had officially retired from teaching about a year previous. My new job was being a full time momma, and I felt I had realistic goals of getting in the best shape of my life with a more 'flexible' schedule since I wouldn't be working outside the home. Well if you are a parent, whether you are working outside the home or not, we know the schedule isn't that flexible at all, and I quickly learned that this would be a season of life where I must be flexible with my goals. We all tread through this stage of life differently. I definitely didn't think it would take as long as it did to attain my goal.

With my big goal documented & noted, I really wanted to set myself up for success and I hired a personal trainer to help me get closer to my goals (Thanks Troy! You were a catalyst along the journey.). A coach needs a coach too. I spent several years at my local YMCA, working on my fitness goals and toting my kiddos to the daycare and kids' activities, so momma could have her time. With my degree in physical education & health, I was also inspired to become a personal trainer myself and joined the team at the YMCA. I was then fortunate enough to coach bootcamps on my own and to continue to bring fitness to others. It worked for that season of life and I was excited to help others along in their fitness journeys! Age 30 came and was gone just like that.

I went to graduate school for a year so that I would have potential opportunities for when my kids were older and I was ready to go back into the 'professional workforce.' I quickly realized that grad school and young kiddos were not a good combination for ME. My priorities had changed and the commitment of school was not as important in this season of life. Then my family experienced a big move from the Seattle area to Northern California, back to Seattle, then back to NorCal. We are a little crazy when it comes to moving ha, ha! That's another story...

Before married & babies, after 2nd baby, 1 yr into CrossFit

Before married & babies, after 2nd baby, 1 yr into CrossFit


I continued to work toward my goal of being in the best shape of my life by 35, then found CrossFit. Talk about a huge fitness shift! I thank God I found this type of fitness. I thought I was in decent shape before, but truly found the athletic stimulus that I needed again. Something that was different every day and had a variety of fitness components all in an hour class. Totally different from the regular gym routine and it works for my personality and needs!! Plus, it was WAYYY better on my old knee injuries from high school and college. Higher intensity, less time pounding, modifications as needed!

Then another hiccup, bump in the road two years later. Probably due to my compensating movement patterns with knee issues, I suffered a fairly significant back injury that I dealt with off and on for two years. Finally on the other side of recovery from injury, I truly reflected on my purpose, goals, and LIFE! Why was I making the choices and choosing the behaviors that I was living out? Once I had clarity in that, I was truly recommitted to the original goal with the right intentions and focus. A little wisdom comes with age ha, ha!! I realized I needed some help with reaching my overall health goals, and I hired a nutrition coach. Best investment I have ever made, as it has been a game changer for where I am in life right now!

High school reunion, friends wedding, Thanksgiving 2015

High school reunion, friends wedding, Thanksgiving 2015


Bodies are weird! Like truly weird AF, yet also truly fascinating. I have been working on this science experiment with my fitness and body for almost a decade now trying to be in the best shape of my life!! Your body goes through weirdness with pregnancies, stress, hormones, injuries, age, etc. Some navigate this rather easily, and for others, it can be a real roller coaster of change. I've never really dealt with 'weight issues' but at 5' 10, I can carry extra insulation better than some. Some stages of life, I would be considered 'fit', and other stages I would be softer than I would've liked. Then there were also stages where it was important to be a little more 'softer' because there were little humans that I was producing and then feeding! And don't get me started on the back injury. That was just a mind f*&% in all areas of health!

I will be the big 4-0 in about a month. I can truly say that almost a decade later, I am in the best shape of my life! Nutrition has truly been the biggest component to the changes in body composition and overall health. I've always known it would be, but didn't make it a priority until I was ready for significant change. Nutrition + CrossFit for the win! It took a little longer than expected to achieve my goal (like a DECADE!), but I wouldn't change this journey. And more importantly, my overall health is the best that it has ever been! Mind, body, and spirit!

Don't give up on your goals. They can still be the same or morph and adapt to life. Just realize that there are seasons of life. Different priorities come and go, and sometimes there are hurdles along the road. Enjoy the journey! The process and life's lessons learned along the way are more important than the timeline. The goals will always be there! Be ok with being patient though the process.


Traveling & Stadium Food: Staying Within Macronutrient Plan

Traveling & Stadium Food: Staying Within Macronutrient Plan

Traveling and vacation can be challenging to stay within your macronutrient plan, but it doesn't need to be a binge break from your plan. With a little planning and creativity, you can definitely make it work. Own your choices and don't feel guilty for those choices. Find the balance and get back on track if you stumble a bit. The key is PLANNING and make your plan work for your lifestyle! 



Balance & Perspective. This past year, these two themes were my focus. I was fully intentional in making decisions that allowed for both balance & perspective. In previous years, I felt I had fallen short in those two areas, and therefore quality of life was affected. In order to be the best me, I needed to be intentional on finding that balance & perspective.  

24 Day Challenge... Who's In?

Just in time for summer! Our exclusive 24 day Challenge is starting again.  It is a Healthy Lifestyle challenge for anyone who wants real change! If you are looking for a way to break through that plateau and increase energy, lose weight, or just get more lean, then this is for you.  This is a great way to head into the summer season making healthy eating changes and jumpstarting to a more healthy lifestyle. You can also commit by being a strong supporter of anyone (family/friends) who are IN on the challenge. By changing our eating habits, exercising, and utilizing Advocare as your nutrition supplement, we can all commit to making a positive change in our health. My family, close friends, and clients have all seen the benefits and real RESULTS of Advocare.  This is an exclusive challenge to aid you in making real change.

Here is the deal- challenge starts first week of June. You will need to let me know if you are in ASAP as I will need to get you your products and nutrition plan promptly.  We have a conference call TONIGHT, 8:30 PM Pacific, that will explain the program. It is a great way to hear how the products will work for you and why Advocare is not your average nutrition supplements.

Let me know if you are IN for the Challenge and if you will be listening to the conference call. Remember, this is a time for NO EXCUSES! Quit talking about it & be about it! If you are truly committed to making real change and leading a healthy lifestyle, this challenge is for you.  Email me with your questions or if you cannot be on the conference call (details below).

Tuesday, May 11th 8:30PM Pacific Time
Dial in: 605.477.3000
Access code: 237941#

Here's to healthy bodies & healthy minds! You know I’m passionate about exercise and healthy eating. Who is IN?!!


In 24 will FEEL the AdvoCare difference
In 24 will KNOW the AdvoCare difference
In 24 will SEE the AdvoCare difference

** The average American is unhappy with their health and fitness levels.  Don't be average this year **

Lose stubborn body fat and keep it off!!! Our proven program has helped thousands to KEEP IT OFF! Energize your mind and body, feed your muscles and starve your fat as you lose inches, improve health and melt away body fat in a way that will fit into your busy life and be realistic for any hectic schedule. 

© Dynamic Edge Nutrition 2018