weight training

Get Beach Body Ready with TRX

Fitness Anywhere Video

Hey everyone! Summer is officially here and many of you are working on getting beach body ready still... The TRX is one of my favorite tools for anyone at any skill level. No racks and racks of dumbbells or loads of equipment around. Your body is your machine! This is the same equipment you have seen the Biggest Loser contestants use and can be used anywhere: park, playground, garage, backyard etc. The great thing is you and your spouse, or maybe a friend at different fitness or activity levels, can all use at the same time with quick modifications. You do not need several sets of dumbbells or need to fuss over time to change weight plates or even have a fully stocked home gym. All can use quickly and efficiently. See video above for a quick introduction.

So what exactly is TRX? Suspension Training® is a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise. Easily set up the portable TRX® Suspension Trainer™ and you’re in control. Safely perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries, all at the intensity you choose.

Great promotion just in time for those summer workouts! FREE Shipping with orders $75 or over with the code TRX4JULY at checkout (FREE shipping expires July 5th at 11:59PM). Also FREE gift with purchase, includes personal consultation on how to set up and get started plus FREE Pick It Kick It book to help you on your nutrition success.

If you are serious about that beach body and don't have the time or money for a fully stocked home gym or expensive gym membership, this is definitely something you want to check out!

What others are saying about TRX:

"When they told me it was invented by a Navy SEAL, I knew it would be cool— It's just your body weight working against gravity, so you won't get injured. Now my wife uses one at home, and I'm addicted." -Drew Brees NFL Quarterback New Orleans Saints

"It really works and kicked my booty! Absolutely love that you can take it anywhere, like to the park while your kids play or packs easily in a suitcase to take on vacation! Its the NO EXCUSES workout tool! LOVE IT!" -Misty Bouffard Client, Dynamic Edge

"I use TRX. It's one of the best pieces of equipment I have ever used. It will work muscles you didn't even know you had. Any exercise you do on TRX is core related so your body hurts the entire time." -Brandon Vera UFC Fighter

"Core strength and stability have no off-season and its the key to maximizing your efficiency and power in your endurance sport. The TRX system provides an effective, convenient, and endlessly functional tool to help you improve your strength, stability and flexibilty anytime, anywhere." -Jessi Stensland Professional Triathlete

"Thanks to the TRX, I got some really great workouts with my contestants this season. Watching them be challenged by working on something that requires such core strength, as well as shear FULL body strength, I knew I had a great piece of equipment on my hands. I really LOVE this piece of equipment!!!" -Bob Harper Trainer The Biggest Loser

Best in health-

Why Strength Train?

Yeah, we know strength training builds muscle, but really, why is that important?  Here are 10 reasons why you should be incorporating strength training into those daily workouts, and no, I'm not talking about those measly, little, pink 2lb weights sitting in a basket next to the weight rack...  Yes, you know who you are.  I am talking about really lifting some weight.  Gals, some of you avoid the dumbbells like the plague out of fear that you will bulk up into one of those "manly, body building" types.  Well, first of all, you physiologically cannot look like Popeye unless you are using and consuming some very unsafe substances.  Females do not have the hormones to produce muscle mass in that fashion naturally.  Secondly, those "body building" girls that are in natural shows and truly train naturally look amazing!  See previous post of Angie Gooding below who competes in the sport.  I do not think any of you could argue that her body is amazing and it took lots of hard work, discipline, and some serious weight training to get it that way.  Read on for 10 reasons I believe every person should hit the weight room.

1.  Increase Strength-  Duh, we knew that, right?  Think about every day functional activities though.  For example, carrying your kids, lifting those Costco boxes out of your trunk, getting those boxes stacked in your garage- they all become much easier if we regularly strength train.  This gets even more important as we get older.  Bending down to tie your shoes can become difficult.  Where's Jack LaLanne when I need him?

2.  Healthy Bones- Research shows that weight training can improve your bone mineral density by as much as 13 percent in just six months.  This really becomes critical as women age to help minimize their risk of developing osteoporosis.  "Help, I've fallen and can't get up" really is a true statement if we do not consider keeping those bones strong.  It will not become funny anymore when we really cannot get up.

3.  Strengthens The Heart- Weight training can keep your heart healthy by increasing your HDL ("good") cholesterol levels and lowering both LDL ("bad") cholesterol and blood pressure.  Too many people are on medications for cholesterol and blood pressure when we really can control these health issues by making better health decisions.

4.  Lose Fat-  Each pound of muscle you gain can burn up to 50 extra calories a day.  Muscle burns more calories than fat at rest therefore increasing your resting metabolic rate.  We all could appreciate losing a little fat at rest, right?  A little extra effort and focus on your fitness plan with weight training = your body doing its job at rest.  Sounds good to me!

5. Improve Performance- We all have an inner athlete in us.  Yes, you may have to pry a little deeper to find that calling, but you do.  Hitting the weights on a regular basis can improve your overall performance in sport and decrease your risk of injury.  Extra strength can power up your drive on the golf course and reduce the risk of injuries on the ski slopes.  I really wish I would have done more serious weight training at a younger age as well.  Maybe I would have saved these decrepit knee joints a little?

6. Keeping That Body Healthy- You know strength training builds stronger muscles, but did you know it also increases joint stability by strengthening ligaments and tendons?  A stronger joint helps prevent injury and eases the pain of osteoarthritis.  I always hear people using their joints as an excuse NOT to do strength training, and although there are certain exercises you need to avoid, it is imperative that you do strength train to help alleviate the stress and pain of those previous injuries.  Take it from me!  I have had four knee surgeries and still play HARD!

7. Ward Off Type 2 Diabetes- Research has shown that regular weight training can improve glucose utilization (the way the body processes sugar) in the body by 23 percent in just four months.  This may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

8.  Age Is Irrelevant-  It does not matter how old your are; strength improvements are possible at any age, even 80+ years old!  Tosca Reno is a fabulous role model for healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle (see my favorites link for some of her resources) and she got a late start, not starting this lifestyle until after 40.  She is a force to be reckoned with.

9.  Improves Sleeping Patterns-  You are less likely to suffer from insomnia if you regularly strength train.  Go get yourself dog tired from some good workouts (within reason...do not go break down the body too much) and you will notice that you sleep much better.  My family cannot seem to wake me after a few good days of tiresome workouts.  That is good in my case as my husband will have to tend to the morning routine with the kiddos... Yipeee!

10.  Improves Self-Image-  People who strength train can boost their self confidence and body image while reducing the risk of depression.  If we look good, feel strong, and feel good, then we enhance the other various components of health.  My motto:  Healthy bodies lead to healthy minds!

Now go hit the weight room!  Utilize a professional to help introduce proper form and safety if you are new to weight training.  Sometimes it is well worth the money to hire a personal trainer for a session or two just so they can help show you how to properly use equipment and properly execute exercises.  You can also make an appointment at your local YMCA to help introduce you to that scary weight room place.  There are plenty of resources out there, so go take your health by the reigns and make it happen.

Best in health-


Dynamic Edge Inspiration- A True Success Story

BEFOREHeight: 5' 10"
Pregnancy Weight (highest weight):  212
Off season weight: 145-148, size 6-8
(15% body fat)
Competition weight:  136-138, size 4-6
(8.5% body fat) 

Angie Gooding was your typical wife and mom and with her second pregnancy, had a life changing moment that would inspire her to take control and become a fitness force to reckon with.

Her story:  Angie grew up in a small town in Washington State, was active, and played high school sports. She went on to college where she continued to stay active and studied education.  She was a high school teacher in Seattle for four years and then moved on to work in the wedding industry.  Throughout this time period, she got married and had two children.  After giving birth to her two children with no meds, she realized how powerful and capable the human body was.  I love her story already!  Even though her pregnancies were great and easy, she did not enjoy being pregnant, big, and uncomfortable.  Can all you moms relate?  She decided to see how far she could push her capable body, and leave the discomfort of pregnancy far behind her.  See before/after pics.  She had always been athletic, but she started to learn more about weight training, and how it can improve the shape and function of the body.  Pregnancy really was the turning point for her.  While trying to get back in shape after pregnancy, she started lifting weights regularly and really started noticing changes in her body.  Some of you need to start weight training...  She decided to hire a trainer to learn more and coincidently, there was a bodybuilding show three months after she hired her trainer, so she figured it was a good goal.  It was a fun experience for her and she learned so much through the process regarding the training, nutrition, dedication, and hardwork it takes to prepare for these events.  After this experience, she decided to pursue health and fitness as a new profession and became certified as a personal trainer.

Angie now owns and runs her own personal training business in Marysville, WA – Inspire Fitness & TrainingAppropriately named, don’t you think?  Through her previous various career paths she learned wonderful teaching experience and marketing knowledge that helps benefit her newly formed profession in the fitness field.  As a trainer, her clients have now lost a combined 501 pounds and counting since January 2009.  She is also currently represented by Sports Unlimited, a Fitness Modeling Agency out of Portland, OR.

Angie is definitely a fitness inspiration.  Her clients get results and Angie obviously leads by example.  As a fellow fitness professional, I admire her journey and story.  She is a wife, a mother, an entrepreneur, and a professional.  Many of us can relate to the schedule challenges, and hectic events life can bring. We all have to learn to juggle it all.  She is a No Excuses person and finds time to make health and fitness a priority.  She is extremely dedicated and willing to do what it takes to be a leader as a fitness professional.


We checked in to ask a few more questions for Angie:

How do you balance family, fitness, and running a business?

Good question…I balance it very carefully!  I train out of my home, and clients come early in the morning before my children are awake.  I also train in the afternoons, and we have a neighbor girl come to watch the kids.  I do not work past 6:30 so that I can have dinner with the family—even though I could have additional clients later in the evening, it is a commitment I have to my family to be there for them.  I tend to fit my own fitness in when I can—I do not take clients on M/W during the day, so I go to the gym then and my son plays with little friends at the YMCA.  I also am committed to weekend workouts.  Lastly, I do not cook.  I worship the Crockpot, and do not use recipes. I just throw in healthy food and hope it turns out.  I also make HUGE salads that last four days and drag them out every night for dinner.  My husband BBQ’s so I save a lot of time by refusing to cook.  If I do cook, I make triple batches of everything, and freeze the leftovers for future dinners.

Any advice for those struggling to get the health & fitness goals they want?

Get real, be honest, and be consistent.  Select a group of people to support you, write your goals on paper, and refuse to use excuses.

What’s on your music playlist right now?
The Ting-tings, Nickelback, Pink.

What is in store for Angie Gooding in the future?

Time will tell!  I would love to get into fitness leadership of some kind…do more bodybuilding shows, run a half marathon, and support my children with their own healthy lifestyles!

A true fitness inspiration and success story.  What's your success story?

Best in health-

© Dynamic Edge Nutrition 2018