Believe. Surrendering Not Acceptable!

                                              Source: via Dynamic Edge on Pinterest

Powerful. A recent blog post here at Dynamic Edge referenced the Bumblebee Spirit and how the bumble bee does not know they shouldn't be able to fly. With a determined spirit and lots of hard work, the bumble bee overcomes it's limiting factors and is able to fly. {check out the post if you missed the message}

Inspired beyond belief. I love a good inspirational story or movie, especially when it comes to health, fitness, or sports in general. Rudy, Remember the Titans, Forrest Gump, Field of Dreams, The Blind Side, Rocky, Brian's Song... Oh the list goes on! When I recently saw this video surfacing around facebook, I knew I would be a sucker for the view.

Here is an individual who sacrificed his life by serving our country, and then had circumstances that his doctors, himself, and many others thought would be limiting and debilitating throughout the rest of his life. It took one person to believe in him that sparked him, and an overwhelming desire to overcome what many thought would not be done.

Are you that "ONE" person for someone? Who can you challenge and encourage to be a fighter and push themselves beyond what they think can be done? We all have the fighter spirit. We just need to find it. Some graciously have it exposed at all times, easily stirred up, and some need it ripped out as it's been buried for so long.

dont stop believing.png

Challenge those who think it cannot be done. Fight the fight and fuel the fire. You can acheive greatness in the face of adversity. Believe in yourself and work your ass off!


Marathon Season- Cheer On!

Crazy peeps! I recently had the pleasure of being a spectator and cheer-master-extraordinaire for some friends running in a half marathon. Signs required, of course!



Not my thing, but I'll support you if it's yours. You see I'm usually a participant in any athletic events I'm attending with friends. I love a challenge and the motivation of registering for an event to give myself a swift kick-in-the-ass to get going training. This event is different. Although I enjoy running, I need more variety. I've never had the burning desire, passion, or thrill seek to be a marathoner. Even if my jacked joints would allow it, it just seems so long and monotonous. {Can't we just do sprints??} I would NEED tunes to just keep one foot in front of the other for mile after mile. And 26.2 or ultra jokers? That's just extreme crazy talk!

Inspired. Even though it is not my thing, as a person passionate about health and fitness, I am inspired by the training, dedication, and mental preparation it takes to accomplish these feats. Amazing! It is truly mind, body, and spirit.


Empowered and encouraged as we cheered on runners. We made stops at mile 3, 9, and brought the runners home at the finish line. At mile 3, runners had smiles on their faces, enjoyed our signs, loved when we shouted their names, and were generally upbeat progressing along. It was still early-- you could tell :). Just to see faces light up and smile as we said their names was victory {many thought they knew us, even if we were just reading their names from the bibs, ha!}. It was a game and we were keeping count on how many smiles we got! By mile 9 you were starting to see the pain faces... you know what I'm talking about. Ugly. They needed the encouragement. A little boost to put an extra kick in their step, a little more energy to press on. Then it was finish time. A mixture of pain faces and smiles. It's over! Accomplishment completed.

Although being a cheer master {pom pom free!} is out of my element some, I loved being on the other side, bib free. Such a gratifying, fulfilling experience to be there for my running peeps. You are all amazing!

Do you need to be the participant? Maybe you need to be the one cheering? Give it a shot. Cheer on!



Your Potential Is Limitless

Think like a bumblebee, train like a racehorse. I recently read an article in a fitness journal by Ben Bergeron that had some wise words that resonated with me. The message was very powerful and so thought provoking. Before we get to that message, I must ask a few questions and give some background. How do you go from good to great? Do you feel that life is good right now? If so, awesome! But what if you want life to be more than good? What if you want life to be GREAT?

Bumblebees aren't supposed to fly. Scientists had studied bumblebees extensively to try to figure out how a large, furry insect could fly with such little wings. The scientists concluded that the physics show that there is no way they should be able to fly. Later, they concluded that the reason they can fly is because of an overwhelming intensity of effort. You see, no one told the bumblebees they can't fly... Having faith in their abilities, combined with intensity of effort, gives them the ability to achieve what seems impossible.

Train like a racehorse. Racehorses train and get pampered at an elite level. You have to fuel the racehorse properly {you're welcome Justin Arnest}; special equipment is used for performance and exercise physiology monitoring; special coaching is utilized, etc. The amazing thing about racehorses is they don't question their training.  They do what is asked of them and go perform. They don't second guess themselves, the coaching, or over think the process. They just go DO!


As we examine our lives and quality of life, why are we limiting ourselves? Are you ok with mediocre? Are you ok with "good"?  Why not greatness?  Who's to stop you from unleashing your potential and allowing you to reach a higher level of greatness, whatever that means to you?

Think like a bumblebee, train like a racehorse.  Believe you can achieve greatness! Your mental gameplan and self talk is so important. Yeah, you've heard that before, but truly the game you play in your head can make or break you.  Don't over think why you can or can't do something.  There are probably a million reasons you will find you can't. Believe you can, and just go DO!


Superhero Status

I believe we all seek to have superhero status in some aspect of life.  Well maybe not 'superhero', but we all seek to be amazing and suck less at life!

I have always wanted to be a superhero. Early in life, I savored wearing my wonderful, fabulous, poly-blend underoos.  I loved those suckers! We got to purchase new sets once a month at the amazing Swains General Store in my little hometown. {Yes, Swains really did have everything!} The best thing I remember about these underoos, was everytime I put them on, I truly felt I had super powers! I felt amazing, and was always bursting with self confidence.  

Those shoes are magical. Always combined with my awesome underoos, were a sweet set of kicks. When I got a new pair of shoes as a kid, I would race circles around the house shouting at my dad, "Look dad! Look how fast these shoes are!" {ok, maybe I still do it} I always believed those shoes had an extra special something that gave me superhero powers to run extra fast. This probably explains my fascination and signature trend of colorful, bright, and CRAZY colored athletic shoes. {yes, the crazy, multi-colored ones also do glow in the dark...} The kid in me still seeks superhero status!



I must create the strength and find the willpower to attack whatever comes my way: life, parenting, gym...  At some point, I learned that the underoos and shoes were an illusion of my superhero status, and that deep down those powers come from within. I recall being bummed when I learned that realization. I did gain wisdom by learning that although there wasn't true magic with those special superhero aides, it does not stop me from continuing to strive to be better, make good choices, and suck less at life.



If you can't find the superhero, then go seek inside. Pull it out. Ignite the fire. Go create it! Reflect now on life's journey at this current state of time. Where is the superhero in you? Where is the strength and willpower to take on life's punches? Your cape awaits you.



You suck! One of those days...

We all suck... on some days! I try my best to keep motivated and focused for workouts.  I love to inspire others and find the fire in myself to attack whatever the workout of the day is. After all, that time at the gym, is MY time! My hour to focus on taking care of my body and pushing itself to higher limits and beyond comfortable. The focus is on mind, body, and spirit! Yet, there are still days when I just suck! Yep, today was one of them.

I'm not going to give an excuse or rationale for my suckiness, it just was what it was. Remember, I breathe the mantra of 'No Excuses.' Today was a sucky workout, with lackluster effort from ME! Nothing more than sheer suckiness effort and performance. {yes suckiness is a real word}

I can either dwell on the crap, lackluster, workout effort that I gave, or I can move on and wipe the slate clean.  Own up to it, admit it, and move on.  Yep, you!!!  What ev! Lame-O today doesn't equal lame-o always.  

That's the way it is in life as well. You will have sucky days. Blow it off and move on.  There are better days awaiting you out there.

One of my favorite blogs over at CrossFit Lisbeth, had a great quote that was so fitting for today. 

So move on. You make the choice to change the situation, and you can choose whenever you want the new beginning to occur.  Like... NOW!

© Dynamic Edge Nutrition 2018