THAT Organic Thing

As a health & fitness professional, I strive to be a strong advocate for healthy food choices (DUH!).  I find myself continually researching the world of health and nutrition and sometimes it's information overload, and at times there's a nugget I find that gives me that "ah, ha" moment.

For years I have been one to roll my eyes at the "organic" thing that has been ever increasing in popularity, and at times, seems to be the trendy thing.  I felt people had a false sense of 'better' if they tended to eat food that was organic.  I mean, there seems to be WAY too long of a list of things that could cause cancer, right?  We can't be safe from it all and also can't be living in fear at all times.  Plus, that organic stuff is expensive!  I also think that since my parents came from the hippie days and talked about 'organic living' in many forms, I wanted to steer as far away as possible.  If you're from the Pacific Northwest, you may be familiar with the store PCC and until recently, the only thing I knew about PCC was that my mom shopped there back in her hippie days so therefore PCC = hippie (organic) = mom = steer clear!!!  That's funny to think about now as it has quite the amazing selection of quality food.

After thoroughly taking time to educate myself, which we all should do, there are a few keys that help me understand why we need to make healthier food choices and why organic food can be a better choice and shouldn't have my negative stigma to it.  First, farming today is not the same as it used to be. No one can argue this.  Nothing against the hard working farmers out there trying to make a living, but the nutritional value isn't the same.  With the amount of pesticides, hormones, genetic alterations, etc., food just isn't what it used to be.  We lack in the nutritional value that we need on a regular basis. Secondly, researchers are finding connections and potential health concerns specifically with the pesticides used on fruits and vegetables and the hormones that are used and pumped into the animals of the meat we eat.  This was my latest "ah, ha" moment and kind of freaked me out.  A current article stated that girls were starting puberty at a younger and younger age and stated a possible link with "hormone-like environmental chemicals."  As the mother of a young girl, I am very concerned with this.

With regards to my own food choices, I have always been a person to eat most everything but have gotten pickier as I have gotten older because of how much information I have learned.  I now get and respect the reasons why people decide to eat vegan, vegetarian, kosher, organic or otherwise.  Now, I know many of you are thinking you just don't want to know this stuff because you want to enjoy those delectable, mouth watering foods, but you should really know what you are consuming so you can make better informed choices.  

Now not to gross you all out but there are a few experiences and some information learned over the years that has put me on a path to seek out more information relating to what I put in my mouth.  I do not judge anyone by what they choose to eat, I just hope we all take the time to self educate ourselves.  Here are a few of my personal moments that have shaped and changed the way I eat--

My first moment was in college.  I had a philosophy class where we looked at the philosophical and graphic nature of slaughter houses, and I believe I was vegetarian for about a month after that information set in.  I then read too much on pork and decided I may want to look into becoming Jewish as I think I can only eat kosher meat from that point on... Well I didn't become Jewish, but still won't touch pork.  And gelatin-- don't shoot the messenger, but do you know exactly what this substance is and how it is made (check your food labels as it's in many products)?  Here's a wiki definition for you, "Gelatin is a translucent, colorless, tasteless solid substance, derived from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones." It's made primarily from the stuff meat industries have left over.  We're talking about pork skins and cattle bones.  Anyone want some Jell-O or gummy worms?  I'm also a HUGE fan of eggs. I trip out a little now if I think too much about them, and that I've had several encounters where I was on the freeway and see the huge semi-truck next to me loaded with chickens in about eight inch high palette-like cages traveling down the road... Is that humane?  I don't want to even get started on the mass production of egg laying.  And lastly, I have not seen the movie Food Inc., YET, but after all these encounters and information, I am concerned I will only consume a handful of foods without getting nauseous.

So many of you are probably thinking that this crazy lady thinks too much about this stuff and you may not care to know all the details of the food you eat, but some of you may want to investigate further. Organic is not a taboo term for me anymore and I definitely believe in being proactive in knowing the nutritional value and quality of the food we eat.

Here are a few tips to getting and eating quality food:

1.  Search out your local CSA (Community Sustained/Supported Agriculture) program. This is where you can get locally grown produce and organic or grass-fed meats from your community.  Less time travelling on a truck or being stored = more quality produce/meat and less need for pesticides, preservatives, hormones, and other added junk...  Plus, you support YOUR community, YOUR farmers!  Thanks to one of our fans for referring a local CSA, Full Circle to us in the Pacific Northwest.

2. Know the dirty dozen, which are 12 priority foods to buy organic.  These foods have thinner skin or the skin is consumed and therefore has a higher chance of being contaminated with pesticides.

3.  Consider making a trip to buy organic, cage free eggs.  Many stores now carry them, but do your investigating as not all are the same.  You may want to consider going local to the farm or farmers market to pick some up.

4.  Buying organic can be expensive so do your research. Your local grocery 'natural food' section may be the spendiest and not be the best place to purchase organic food. Their prices can vary greatly so do your price comparing and shop around.  Buy in-season, buy in bulk, and don't be afraid to freeze those quality foods.

5. Grow your own!  Starting a garden with your own fruits and veggies is fun for the whole family and you know exactly what you are consuming and how it's grown from start to finish.

My hope is that more of us will consider spending some more time paying attention to what we are consuming on a daily basis and investigating further the quality of food.  Your health is worth the extra time and buck!  We all deserve to fuel the body in the most quality, efficient way.

Best in health-

The Health Investment

What are you investing in?  I read an article not too long ago that was talking about investments as they related to our health (I apologize for not remembering where I read this to give due credit).  It really got my brain churning again because, as a fitness instructor and health/wellness coach, I continue to hear all the reasons why our health is not a priority.  Not until something tragic or severe happens do we consider making it a priority.  Many of us truly need a wake up call right now and need to change our thinking.  We need to think of health and wellness as an investment.

I recently learned news of someone I grew up with who just passed away after having a heart attack while jogging.  He was in his mid thirties.  It was a reminder that we really need to evaluate what in life is important to us and what are we investing our time in, as it all can be taken away in an instant.  All around us, we personally have experienced, or know someone who is affected by these tough economic times; we see our home values dropping; our 401k's losing value, then gaining value, and we call that investments.  Yet, when we exercise or participate in some athletic activities we call that spending....time.

When you think about it, the time "spent" doing those activities, which also can include some mindless "me" time,  is really investing as well.  What does sickness cost as compared to wellness?  Several studies have suggested the payoff for an employer investing in employee wellness plans can be as high as 10-1 or more return on investment.  As an individual, what will it cost you to be sick as opposed to be well, and where can you get that kind of return?

What this ultimately means, is that our time "spent" at the gym, focused on nutrition, and committed to wellness, is an "investment" in our future.  Not only the future for you, but for your family and those that are close to you.  The return on that investment is potentially far greater than any 401K or IRA account.  It is hard to put a price on health until you are ill, or no longer with us!

If you have been struggling with your fitness or nutrition routine because of "spending time", maybe you need to change the way you are thinking about it?!  Females in particular tend to find guilt in spending "me" time.  They try to give so much to others that they neglect themselves and what is important for a good investment.  The thinking tends to be all wrong here though, as if you make a good investment in yourself, you will be able to give so much more to others around you.

Please take time to reflect on your investments.  How is that return on investment working out for you?

Best in health-

To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse: Should We Clean Those Pipes Out?

Yeah I’m going to go there.  Yes, I am talking about colons, intestines, and all that yummy stuff.  I have always told it how it is and been honest about my thoughts.  So let us go ahead and go there.  I get asked frequently my thoughts on cleanses and which ones I think are the best.  If you asked me five years ago, I would have given you a totally different answer as I was only aware of those cayenne pepper, lemon juice, sit-on-the-toilet-all-day cleanses.  Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.  See video below.  No one wants a Dumb and Dumber moment.  So what is the purpose of a cleanse and why should we consider?

First, I must say I am fascinated by human anatomy and physiology.  The human body amazes me, quite frankly.  If there is any way I can help optimize the function of my body, I am all about learning, researching, and implementing those healthy behaviors.  Honestly, before I just never really understand why one would do a cleanse.  I mean that part of the body is self cleaning, right?  I also cannot seem to understand why someone would choose to have a colonic either.  Uhhh, what?  Then I continue to hear Dr. Oz harp on the importance of fiber in our diets.  Isn’t fiber for old peeps?  That’s all I really recall hearing.  And then Ding!, it all clicks and totally makes sense to me!  That AHA moment...  Thanks Dr. Oz, you sparked my interest to research further. 

Fiber is a natural way to help clean the pipes and there is nothing hokey about it.  Why do those pipes need to be cleaned out?  Your intestines help absorb vitamins and nutrients among other things.  If they are not functioning “regularly” and self cleaning, then nutrients are not absorbed readily, abdominal pain and bloating can occur, and BONUS, parasites can also live and thrive there.  Eeeewwww!  Last thing we want to think about are critters thriving there… 

Let’s talk about parasites briefly.  Dr. Susan Evans was on the Dr. Oz show and stated, “There are many types of parasites that can enter our bodies and negatively affect our immune system and overall health.  Walking around barefoot, eating unclean fruits and vegetables, and even drinking untreated water are usually the most common portals of entry for parasites.  A parasitic infestation may include symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, aches, pains, anemia, skin rashes, nervousness, sleep disturbances, allergies, and fatigue.”  I know we do not live in a third world country, but it is a reminder to wash our hands regularly, and wash our fruits and veggies thoroughly.  Clean, sanitary, smart habits here folks.

I do not want to put the fear factor in you, but I now see the importance of a cleanse and why one would want to clean the pipes out from time to time, through natural ways.  Fiber and natural remedies in one’s diet help keep the pipes free and clear.  Your intestines are like a lint trap.  They must be cleaned out on a regular basis otherwise your body has to work harder to function properly.

Besides making sure there is enough fiber in your diet on a regular basis, I have also found a cleanse that I find very gentle, natural, and effective in keeping the lint trap free and clear.   Advocare’s Herbal Cleanse :  Key ingredients in this include fiber, probiotics, and other herbal botanicals.  This is a 10-day cleanse and one where you are free to eat what you want, BUT one would prefer you eat very clean and healthy as we are trying to clean the junk out.  Common sense here.  Nothing crazy here with this cleanse and you will not live on the toilet Dumber and Dumber style.  Check it out!  It is honestly the only cleanse that I have felt comfortable promoting and using.

Keep it clean-

24 Day Challenge... Who's In?

Just in time for summer! Our exclusive 24 day Challenge is starting again.  It is a Healthy Lifestyle challenge for anyone who wants real change! If you are looking for a way to break through that plateau and increase energy, lose weight, or just get more lean, then this is for you.  This is a great way to head into the summer season making healthy eating changes and jumpstarting to a more healthy lifestyle. You can also commit by being a strong supporter of anyone (family/friends) who are IN on the challenge. By changing our eating habits, exercising, and utilizing Advocare as your nutrition supplement, we can all commit to making a positive change in our health. My family, close friends, and clients have all seen the benefits and real RESULTS of Advocare.  This is an exclusive challenge to aid you in making real change.

Here is the deal- challenge starts first week of June. You will need to let me know if you are in ASAP as I will need to get you your products and nutrition plan promptly.  We have a conference call TONIGHT, 8:30 PM Pacific, that will explain the program. It is a great way to hear how the products will work for you and why Advocare is not your average nutrition supplements.

Let me know if you are IN for the Challenge and if you will be listening to the conference call. Remember, this is a time for NO EXCUSES! Quit talking about it & be about it! If you are truly committed to making real change and leading a healthy lifestyle, this challenge is for you.  Email me with your questions or if you cannot be on the conference call (details below).

Tuesday, May 11th 8:30PM Pacific Time
Dial in: 605.477.3000
Access code: 237941#

Here's to healthy bodies & healthy minds! You know I’m passionate about exercise and healthy eating. Who is IN?!!


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** The average American is unhappy with their health and fitness levels.  Don't be average this year **

Lose stubborn body fat and keep it off!!! Our proven program has helped thousands to KEEP IT OFF! Energize your mind and body, feed your muscles and starve your fat as you lose inches, improve health and melt away body fat in a way that will fit into your busy life and be realistic for any hectic schedule. 

Ab Envy

Swimsuit and summer season are right around the corner. So it is that time of year when I tend to see many fitness articles that revolve around abs and the workouts that are suppose to miraculously chisel them into the defined, envious muscles that most of us like to see. I have to say that I too, am one who envies a lovely set of abs. Obviously these articles sell magazines and some do have great exercises, but I always tend to laugh at how people get sucked into the myths that surround getting a nice set of abs.

I once read a metaphor that described perfectly how to view ab definition-- Think of a lovely mountain. I envision Mt. Rainier in all its mass and beauty. During the late summer you can see the beautiful jagged peaks and the definition of all the valleys with sharp and precise lines. During the winter, the snow blankets that mountain and seems to soften and smooth out all those lines and definition. Relate this to our abs- We can do all the ab exercises in the world and have a phenomenal, strong, and defined set of abs, but we will never see the wonder if it continues to be blanketed by a layer of fat.

Now females have a little more challenge in unveiling those abs because 1. we tend to carry higher levels of body fat and 2. if our body fat is low enough to unveil those abs, it is usually not healthy for most of us to maintain it at that low level for long periods of time.

Now some of you are genetically blessed to have lower levels of body fat naturally, or do not tend to carry fat in your abdomen, but some of us have to work REALLY HARD in keeping a fit level of body fat, and hopefully showing off the hard work in our ab definition. The key to this success is CLEAN EATING! Eighty plus percent of your success in showing off those lovely muscles will be because of your healthy food choices.

With that said, I recently read an article on ab myths. I discuss these same misconceptions with my clients on a regular basis so I thought I would summarize for you.

Myth #1- "Targeting the abs burns away belly fat."
You can do hundreds of reps, but you cannot spot reduce fat from any area. Fat will come off where it wants to and each individual carries it more in different areas of the body. Hey, that is part of why we are all unique individuals, right?

Myth #2- "You can isolate specific areas of the abdominal muscles."
Just as you cannot spot reduce fat on any area of your body (without surgery), you cannot spot enhance certain sections of your abs (ie obliques or "lower abs"). Your ab muscles collectively work as a single unit. Some exercises may trigger a part of the muscle more than another but it does not single it out.

Myth #3- "Getting awesome abs requires expensive equipment."
The best pieces of equipment will be clean eating and a complete fitness program including cardio and weight training. The bicycle ab exercise has repeatedly been found to fire up the most muscle fibers and be the most effective out of the most common ab exercises. No equipment required.

Myth #4- "Ab muscles are different from other muscles."
Muscle is muscle. Besides location, your abs are no different than your quads or biceps as far as voluntary skeletal muscle goes. Some individuals think you can train abs every day and for hundreds of reps. Treat your abs like any other body part. 2-3 times per week is sufficient. Quality, not quantity.

Myth #5- "Carbs make you fat."
They do not make you fat. It is true simple carbs in excess- we are talking sugary and processed, do not have any nutrients and should be avoided. But one should focus on complex carbs- think fruits, veggies, and whole grains. You need complex carbs for energy. Without them you become tired and sluggish. Make sure every meal is healthy, balanced, and includes complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats.

Oxygen Abs Collector's Issue- Spring 2010

Now you know the real deal with abs. Here's to cleaning up the diet and fine tuning those workouts so you can show off those hard earned abs.

Best in health-

© Dynamic Edge Nutrition 2018